Find your centre

This is an ancient symbol of the sun. There are a lot of different purposes, which I could explain, but in Mindkido thinking there is only one:

Be true to yourself.

Love yourself, hug yourself, give yourself compliments, see yourself, touch yourself, hear yourself, smell yourself, honor yourself, bless yourself, think about yourself, always return to yourself, listen to yourself..

A negative self-image is often slumbering because it isn’t noticed, but it is there. It is you as a child when you were given rules that made you forget your nature over time. It is your intuition. Your inner child is constantly talking to you, but you don’t notice it.

Learn to listen to your inner voice. It’s the only honest one. The only one that makes you follow your own nature.

If you don’t listen to your inner voice, you will stay restless all your life, feeling like you have to accomplish everything for everybody else, except for what YOU really care about.

Remember that distress is never good. Of course there is positive, and energy enhancing stress, but distress is never helpful.

So when you feel stress, do exactly the opposite from what you’re used to do. Sit down, close your eyes, relax. Let your negative thoughts enter you and stay objective. Just breath. You will notice that in time your emotions will come up and you have to relive those moments that you suppressed your inner child. Scream, cry, be hysterical and feel alive. Real joy comes from having real emotions. If you sit down and breath, be objective, and let everything be without judgement. It is ok. In time the negative will transform into positive. Mindkido!

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